Hazelcast JCache is fully compliant with the JSR 107 TCK (Technology Compatibility Kit),and therefore is officially a JCache implementation.

You can test Hazelcast JCache for compliance by executing the TCK. Just perform the instructions below:

  1. Checkout the TCK from https://github.com/jsr107/jsr107tck.
  2. Change the properties in tck-parent/pom.xml as shown below.
  3. Run the TCK by mvn clean install.



  <!-- ################################################################# -->
  <!-- Change the following properties on the command line
       to override with the coordinates for your implementation-->

  <!-- Change the following properties to your CacheManager and
       Cache implementation. Used by the unwrap tests. -->

  <!-- Change the following to point to your MBeanServer, so that
       the TCK can resolve it. -->

  <!-- ################################################################# -->

This will run the tests using an embedded Hazelcast Member.